The strange case of the obsessive forum

The main reason for starting this blog was because of Rob’s behaviour on, a forum I frequent (sadly, so does he). He’s basically there because his previous haunt ChavScum – a place where 14 year old emo kids vented spleen about how unfair it is that white people listen to R&B within their earshot – banned him for being such a thick cunt. This, for the record, is the only thing or its members have ever wholeheartedly agreed with ChavScum’s owner about, bringing a rare moment of concord to relations between the two forums and almost commencing a new era of cooperation and friendship until everyone realised that ChavScum was still full of thick, highly-strung wankstains who had seized upon a rare opportunity to be a bigot without actually openly hating black people or Muslims.

That’s how bad Rob is.

Since then he’s been hanging out around like a case of herpes. Every so often he’ll flare up, posting another atrocity he’s made on YouTube or another little website he’s made about what a laughable prick he’s been in the past, and then go away again when everyone starts insulting him. Rob is clearly upset by all the hectoring, pretending to consider it laughable and beneath him but obviously hurt underneath it all. (You may notice a theme here.)

What is never entirely clear is why he does it., as a forum, make absolutely no bones that they dislike or at the very least are keen to take the piss of RobFalcon and absolutely everything he does. It’s obvious that Rob is rather peeved by this at least, which I suppose is fair enough – after all, he has every right to be annoyed that somewhere calls itself the “Unofficial RobFalcon owner’s club” and will seize upon everything he does for the sole purpose of mockery (leaving aside the merits of his various creative endeavours, which are more or less non-existent.) Being a tad irritated by that would be natural. It’s that sort of thing that almost makes me have sympathy for people like Rob, or even Stephenie “Sparklecunt” Meyer.

Stephenie Meyer: Rob's female analogue? Both talentless; both completely impervious to all forms of criticism; both intensely annoying

So, being annoyed at it is fine. Even talking about it elsewhere is more or less understandable. That does not, under any circumstances, make it make any sense whatsoever that Rob continues to post on, or indeed any one of the thousands of places he’s posted and been outed as a thicko on. So why does he?

The first logical step would be to ask the man himself, but he’s remarkably reticent about that one. He’s proffered a few explanations, none of which really stack up and don’t really give any good reason why he should keep irritating the bollocks off everyone with his juvenile nonsense. For the sake of funny, we’ll call these the “no u” argument, the “Billie Piper” argument and the “complete retard” argument.

The “no u” argument

This basically hinges around the idea that even if Rob doesn’t post on, they’ll still insult him, so he has to be there to defend himself, otherwise it isn’t manly or something:

Look what happend when guest posting was banned for nearly a whole year, i didnt post on here at all, but yet did i stop getting mentioned?, did me being seek and hunted on the interweb stop?, no it didnt *cough* trolling the comments sections on my youtube video’s *cough*

*cough* moron *cough*

This would be all fine and dandy if what Rob did was actually defend himself in a robust and sane manner. What really happens is that he comes up with bizarre justifications for his behaviour, weakly insult everyone there (usually with shit insults copied from standup comics or TV programmes) and then post links to things that he should, by now, know will elicit nothing but scorn and mockery from everyone there. If anyone is responsible for hating Rob, it’s Rob.

It doesn’t even make much sense for him to say he’s being “seek and hunted on the interweb”, and not just because that phrase is a load of meaningless bollocks – much less for him to say YouTube comments are being trolled by them. His comments are screened by him to stop any form of criticism whatsoever YouTube haters, not to mention he has a habit of using the same usernames absolutely anywhere you care to mention – either Robfalcon, kraal1778 or just a variation on his initials. Another previous target (who frankly did a whole lot more than post wanky videos) learnt quickly and never used the same username twice. Funnily enough, he hasn’t been found. Rob still puts himself out there and gets “seek and hunted”. I wonder why?

So him being there won’t stop the “seek and hunting”. Moreover, being there and posting there just opens him up to more abuse. The abuse that he’s there to supposedly prevent. This reason makes absolutely no sense. It makes Rob an idiot.

The “Billie Piper” reason

a.k.a. “Because I want to! Because I want to!”

This reason is probably the most facile. To prove that it’s a stupid reason that could be understood as stupid by anyone with a working brain stem, I held an interview with my cat Modgit to gain his insight.

Me: So, Modgit, why is this reason completely retarded?
Modgit: It’s really quite simple. Rob doesn’t like, or anyone posting there, or any of the subject matter they talk about. He actually finds their attitudes to virtually everything repulsive.
Me: So basically he’s got no cogent reason to want to post there. There’s nothing to attract him.
Modgit: Well, quite. It’d sort of be understandable if he had people there who want to talk to him, and the haters were just a minority, but as it is everyone’s pretty much hostile to him and out to provoke him. He’d be better off cutting his losses and walking away.
Me: Hmm. Makes sense. Does that now mean he’s actually got fewer comprehension skills than a house cat?
Modgit: Yes. Now feed me you cunt.

As Modgit’s wise reasoning shows, Rob hasn’t got any reason to want to post on They keep abusing him, but he keeps coming back, claiming that he wants to. Analogies abound; is he like a beaten spouse coming back to an abusive partner time and time again, or someone blithely and idiotically repeatedly trying to speak to someone who just last night punched him in the face? Either way, Rob’s behaviour is quite concerning, and resembles self harm more than anything. Maybe he should see a doctor? Or a psychiatrist? (Oh, what a dream that would be.)

Last but not least…

The “complete retard” argument

This is the Ronseal of reasons. It does exactly what it says on the tin, and then looks an absolute cunt. It basically boils down to the idea that Rob enjoys riling up and its members, or worse that he’s on some kind of holy crusade to piss them off, seeing as they fit neatly into his definition of “Internet tough guys” or whatever bollocks reasoning he’s using to wish away the fact that his behaviour is the problem. It’s called the “complete retard” argument because you’d have to be a complete retard to be in Rob’s shoes and consider this feasible, or a good idea.

It thus helps that Rob, as he seeks to prove over and over again, is a complete retard.

Rob has no chance of winning. A realistic person would cut their losses and not bother posting somewhere that hates them, exercising their contempt from a distance and thinking to themselves what a bunch of cunts they are. That’s their right; fair enough. Rob however does not see this, and believes that if he keeps at it, he will win, and he will have beaten the evil Internet Tough Guy Clique once and for all. (You may notice that this point of view assumes that Rob is correct about absolutely everything. This is what makes it a stereotypical Rob point of view.)

Rather than this decisive victory, what has happened is that every detail of Rob’s life that he has posted has been mercilessly mocked. He’s simply not intelligent enough to defend himself, nor to deliberately wind people up (trolling at least takes a modicum of social nous, something Rob decidedly lacks) and any time he does enter into an argument he will either lose horrifically and run off crying or claim he wants to end the argument prematurely simply to avoid justifying what he says. He’s definitely not intelligent enough to notice that what he actually says is ignored, or that people calling him a retard virgin definitely aren’t in the minority.

Rob cannot win. He’s tilting at windmills. This is a stupid reason to post.

So what’s the real reason?

Possibly a combination of all three. Someone who knows him on Lycos chat fingered him as someone who’d defend anyone who’s getting a hard time, so he may well see (a forum which in deep dark history was founded on trolling) as emblematic of that, especially since their most recent target is him. This has some obvious overlap with the “complete retard” reason – maybe he thinks there’s some sort of war going on? The “Billie Piper” one could even have some merit – perhaps beneath his outward scorn and insults, Rob actually likes and the discussion? Personally, I doubt it. His tendency to dislike anything he deems stupid, while being inestimably stupid himself, means he probably despises the place really.

For my money, the reason he stays is this; they haven’t banned him and nowhere else will have him. Everywhere else, when he constantly posted his shit videos, his wanky cyberpunk fiction, all of the shit about woe trees and willies poo poo and all of that crap, his misogynistic and racist views, they got sick of him and just told him to fuck off.’s stance on moderation is so light-touch it may as well not be there. I doubt anyone has actually been banned from there for years. provides an unquestioning canvas for all the shit he wants to spread around the Internet, one that offers instant criticism for him to ignore and belittle. So they let him stay, not through a desire to have him there, but just as someone to mock. Kept around as the forum punchbag. The Unofficial Robfalcon Owner’s Club.

Is that really something he should be putting himself through?

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Friday 13th: The Untold Fails

One of the main things that sticks in my mind about Rob is his frankly appalling little minimovies he’s stuck on YouTube for the delectation of everyone in the world, specifically his horror films (or as he calls them, comedy films – more on this in a second) Friday the 13th: The Untold Tales.

There is a good reason these tales were left untold. Actually, there’s several good reasons; they’re boring, stupid, laughable, incredibly sad, carry disturbing elements of homoeroticism and are made with action figures. Yes, he got some action figures, and a camera, and bobbed the former up and down in front of the latter to make them talk and occasionally get shanked. All of this occurred by the side of a road – a busy dual carriageway – and in one case in a bush, which of course is a perfectly normal activity undertaken by only the finest cinematic geniuses the world has ever known, or at least it is in the fucked up maelstrom that is Rob’s mind.

These films are masterpieces of shite. Please, for the love of whatever deity you may choose to believe in, go and watch the first movie, in which a plastic man with the voice of Samuel L Jackson crossbred with all of the Wurzels and the moustache of Ron Jeremy promises his wife a “big surprise” while overlooking the romantic sight of the dual carriageway, and the second abortion of a film, in which the most ludicrous draft-dodging scheme ever is discussed with a high voiced female who sounds like she’s fighting a losing battle with throat cancer. In particular, note the description on the first one:

A mini horror movie i made, based on the famous horror movie series, using 6-7 inch figures as casts.

Just to pick out the relevant bit here:

A mini horror movie i made

However, a few days ago, Rob changed his tune:

Using plastic figures to make a comedy movie is not the same as recreationally playing with them like you were a 10 year old (im so getting bored of having to constantly repeat this).  Yes I had some risk of looking odd and stupid to the public in doing this, but if I get a funny movie from it, then as far as I am concerned, the ends justifies the means

On this he is correct. Bobbing dolls up and down to make a film isn’t the same as playing with them, because in a film you film it, when you just play with them you don’t. But anyway, Rob here has decided that his “mini horror movie” was in fact a “comedy movie”. This would be believable, if Rob had even a trace of knowledge about irony, humour or anything that wasn’t blithely ripped off from some other piece of shit. As it is, nothing about The Untold Tales shows any sign of self-parody – he’s taking it very seriously the whole way through, and he will defend his wanky filmmaking to the hilt. As far as Rob is concerned he isn’t even using dolls:

And I don’t mean to sound petty and butt-hurt here, but can you at least acknowledge the difference between a painted figure and a doll?.   Dolls are what young girls play with, I don’t own any dolls.  I own some figures that look very detailed and you can tell much workmanship was put into them.

WordNet suggests that a “doll” is a “small replica of a person”. What Rob brings life to through the method of waggling and talking like a twat is definitely small and a replica of a person. A painted figure is a doll, but Rob is deluding himself. This is like carving a swastika into your forehead with a penknife and claiming it means “nice person”.

So what is the problem with Rob’s filmmaking? According to the man himself, it’s a budget problem:

Gimme a £1,000,000+ budget and ill make an awesome movie with it just like they do.

Do you buy hamburgers from little privately run mobile kiosks you see on street pavements and expect them to taste as good as a mcdonalds hamburgers?.

No, Rob, I don’t. I expect them to taste a shitload better. Not to mention, the privately run kiosks cost more. Dipshit.

Just imagine what he could do with a million quid though. He’d be able to buy enough dolls (sorry, “painted figures”) to have a whole group of extras and whatnot. It’d be a sight to behold.

Thankfully, another poster had the perfect solution to all of Rob’s woes:

Give me a £1000000+ budget and I’ll make the greatest snuff movie ever. Me, you, your dolls and a fifteen and a half foot long vibrator. I’ll have the tree of woe flown in from wherever it is located and rammed up your virgin shitter.


So, what can we draw from this? Rob has made probably the worst film since Highlander II: The Quickening (a film with the power to make me cough up blood and stab myself with things) and is thoroughly convinced that he could have done absolutely nothing better. He’ll broach no criticism, and in fact considers it invalid – he couldn’t do it any other way, how dare people criticise the results! Then, as the criticism shows no sign of dying down, he tries to play semantics – they’re not dolls he’s playing with, they’re painted figures, although nobody believes that either. Finally, when he realises that he’s fighting a losing battle, that he’s made an indefensible piece of shit, he pretends it was a joke all along. “Oh that? That was a joke.” Basically like that woman who chucked a cat in a bin, only she hasn’t been trying to mount a defense of sticking a cat in a recycling bin on the Internet while posting videos of it everywhere.

There we have a textbook example of the Failcon – a man who’s pretty much his own arch-nemesis. And a grade-A spastic.

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Welcome to the world of Rob

Welcome to RoflBacon, a blog all about the Internet’s biggest spastic, RobFalcon.

Why start a blog, you may ask? What is so spasticated about this spastic that requires that you start a blog about it? Why does he deserve your mockery so?

Even ignoring the Encyclopedia Dramatica article about him which explains all of the above far better than anything else ever could, there are several incredibly good reasons to do so:

  • Rob is in his early thirties and lives with his mum. Not because he’s fallen on hard times, fallen behind with the mortgage etc – there’s greater than even odds he doesn’t know what a mortgage is – but because he’s just that shit. He currently works as a shelfstacker, and was impossibly sacked from a petrol station for being too thick to work there.
  • His interests include cosplay, writing websites about how he was bullied as a child and his innate thickness was brutally taken advantage of, posting on forums where everyone hates him and then wondering why they’re insulting him, wrestling and making films to put on YouTube. His oeuvre consists mainly of shit jokes about the aforementioned forums, pointless and ill-informed audio rants about subjects that annoy him (usually related to said forums) and last but not least straight-faced horror films he’s made by the side of roads using dolls as actors. The last bit is sadly not made up.
  • He was once tied to a tree and beaten up by several kids when he was younger. To add funny to funny, he called it the Tree of Woe and posted about it on the Internet, linking to it from forums he posted on (including even ones where he was semi-tolerated). This is not even mentioning the rest of the same website, which described the middle class housing estate he lived on as if it was the roughest neighbourhood in the country. (Rob, for what it’s worth, lives on the south coast of England, which is not what some would call a “rough area”.)
  • He’s been caught in honeytraps at least twice, all from the same person. His shit attempts at cybersex are basically a crowning moment of funny for the Failcon, including the fantastic line that he would “reveal his penis” to his companion and that he “developed a boner quickly” while talking to her. Proving his legendary idiocy once again, he attempted to claim the former was a catchphrase.
  • He constantly talks about all of the above and posts links to it, again on places where people hate him (and indeed on the Internet, where insulting morons is considered good sport) and then considers any and all criticism invalid because people have not indulged in these activities for themselves.
  • Even despite all this, and the fact he can’t spell, Rob considers himself more intelligent than many other people, and goes to great lengths to ineptly insult and belittle people he doesn’t consider as intelligent as him. There is some overlap between “people he doesn’t consider as intelligent as him” and “people who criticise his wanky work”.
  • Look, he’s just a cunt, OK? And we’re gonna prove it to you over and over again.

All of the above, by the way, is documented. None of it was made up. There are countless forum posts and Wiki pages, many of them made or contributed to by Rob himself, proving everything that was said above 100% true.

The overall aim will hopefully to get Rob to change. To stop posting on places he’ll just get attacked on, even if they do insult him when he’s not there. To maybe think a little bit before doing something childish and posting it on the Internet and linking everyone to it and bigging it up as the next big thing and all the other retarded shit he does. To go out and find love, a life, move out of home, settle down, have a family of little retarded Robs and be properly happy. Maybe, with a little bit of action, he will change.

He won’t, of course. But hey, we have to have some sort of flimsy justification for all this.

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